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East Doc Platform

Class at Faculty of Arts |


East Doc Platform


March 4 - 10, 2013  

Archa Palace / Archa Theatre

Na Poříčí 24 (tram N. 3, 8, 14 - tram stop "Bílá labuť" | Metro B  - Náměstí Republiky)    

Information Meeting for course participants:

Monday March 4 at 6.40pm !!! (TIME CHANGE) | Film Studies Department, room N. 429, floor 4  

-         East Doc Platform accreditation

-         introduction to East Doc Platform events

-         course requirements    


MONDAY, March 4, 2013 6.30pm - 7.30pm | Marta Lamperová: Finished film and project packaging

How to make the best packaging for your completed film? Slovak lecturer Marta Lamperová will dedicate her lecture to marketing strategies that are available for creative documentaries.

Open for: EDP accreditation & One World Guest accreditation Where: Archa Palace, Wonderland  

TUESDAY, March 5, 2013  10am - 10pm | East Silver Video Library | Open daily: March 5 - 10 (10am - 8pm) Open for: EDP accreditation & One World Guest accreditation Where: Archa Palace, Dreamatorium 10am - 11.30am | Hans Robert Eisenhauer - 3 CASE STUDIES In his case study, German producer Hans Robert Eisenhauer (Ventana-Film) will introduce three of his internationally successful documentary films which he has produced during his career at ZDF (Mama Africa, 2011 & The House I Live In, 2012) and subsequently as an independent  producer (Children of the Tsunami, 2012). His lecture will provide an interesting insight into the way his long-term career at ZDF/ARTE has influenced his current career of an independent producer. Open for: EDP accreditation & One World Guest accreditation Where: Archa Palace, Wonderland 5.30pm - 7pm | ARCHIDOC SPECIAL SCREENING: Assasinat d´une modiste | Screening followed by Q&A with director Catherine Bernstein  The screening of an archive-based documentary film Assasinat d´une modiste (dir. Catherine Bernstein, France 2005) is part mini Archidoc workshop. Open for: All types of EDP & One World accreditations Where: Ponrepo Cinema (Bartolomějská 11, Praha 1) 6.00pm - 8.30pm | SPECIAL SCREENING &MASTER CLASS - Antoine Cattin | Screening  followed by master class by A. Cattin (CH) Playback (66´, dir. Antoine Cattin, Pavel Kostomarov, Switzerland/Russia, 2012) is a portrait of one of the most famous living Russian directors Aleksey Guerman captured in the course of several years of shooting his latest film. The documentary film depicts the essence of truthfulness during the creative process and provides a vivid perspective of the famous and uncompromising filmmaker and the paradoxes of his country. Open for: EDP accreditation & One World Guest accreditation Where: Archa Palace, Wonderland WEDNESDAY, March 6, 2013 10am - 10pm | East Silver Video Library | Open daily: March 5 - 10 (10am - 8pm) Open for: EDP accreditation & One World Guest accreditation Where: Archa Palace, Dreamatorium 10.00am - 11.00am | Paul Pauwels: Aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis | How has the economic situation altered the production landscape across Europe? An in-depth session on the changes in TVs’ and production practices held by Belgian producer and consultant Paul Pauwels.

Open for: EDP accreditation & One World Guest accreditation Where: Archa Palace, Wonderland 5.30pm - 7.00pm | SPECIAL SCREENING: Putin´s Kiss | Screening  followed by Q&A with producer Helle Faber (DK) Putin's Kiss (58´, dir. Lise Birk Pedersen, Denmark, 2012) follows a young Russian woman who has risen high in the pro-Putin youth organisation Nashi but slowly comes to doubt the true ideals of the movement. The film won the World Cinema Cinematography Award at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival and was awarded the Best Documentary at the Danish TV Festival. Open for: EDP accreditation & One World Guest accreditation Where: Atlas Cinema (Sokolovská 371/1) THURSDAY, March 7, 2013 10am - 10pm | East Silver Video Library | Open daily: March 5 - 10 (10am - 8pm) Open for: EDP accreditation & One World Guest accreditation Where: Archa Palace, Dreamatorium 10am - 11.30pm | Helle Faber: From Idea to Production Following the special screening and Q&A of her festival hit Putin’s Kiss, Helle Faber holds a lecture on the dynamics of production process and various stages a documentary project goes through. Open for: EDP accreditation & One World Guest accreditation Where: Archa Palace, Wonderland 3pm - 4.30pm | Outside the screen: educational distribution for East Europeans. Rozšířené kanály distribuce, ale především nové uchopení témat hned v počátku of film development a kreativní vytváření strategií jejich šíření. Alice Apley (Documentary Educational Resources, USA) a Kristen Fitzpatrick (Women Make Movies, USA) se na konkrétních příkladech zúčastněných projektů pustí do vytváření velmi praktických distribučních plánů. Moduje Ruth Diskin (Ruth Diskin Distribution, Israel).   Open for: EDP accreditation & One World Guest accreditation Where: Archa Palace, Wonderland 4.30pm - 6pm | East Doc Launchpad | What makes an original project to reach the right audiences? Ask experienced distributors and sales agents (from Germany and Austria) all the questions you have been dying to know the answers to in an intimate and informal space. No project required, just bring your curiosity. Open for: EDP accreditation & One World Guest accreditation Where: Trick Room 1+2 7pm - 9.30pm | CASE STUDY: Everyday Rebellion by Arash T. Riahi | Arash T. Riahi is headed for Prague to spot light on a modern phenomenon - online documentary channel as an effective tool of revolt and protest - bringing his widely anticipated experimental cross-platform projects Open for: EDP accreditation & One World Guest accreditation Where: Archa Palace, Wonderland 9.45pm - 11.00pm | SPECIAL SCREENING: The Reluctant Revolutionary |

Screening of the latest feature-length documentary by renowned UK director and journalist Sean McAllister dealing with the transformation of a Yemeni guide into a revolutionary. The film opened the Panorama Dokumente section at Berlinale 2012. The screening will be followed by a discussion with the director. Open for: EDP accreditation & One World Guest accreditation Where: Světozor Cinema, Big Screening Hall (Vodičkova 41)

In association with One World FF FRIDAY, March 8, 2013 9.30am - 1.30pm | ARCHIDOC PITCHING | Documentary project pitching by Archidoc training programme participants Open for: All types of EDP & One World accreditations Where: Archa Theatre, Small Hall 10am - 10pm | East Silver Video Library | Open daily: March 5 - 10 (10am - 8pm) Open for: EDP accreditation & One World Guest accreditation Where: Archa Palace, Dreamatorium 5pm - 5.30 | East Doc Platform Opening | Grand opening of the second edition of East Doc Platform Open for: EDP accreditation & One World Guest accreditation Where: Archa Theatre, Big Hall 5.30pm - 8.30pm | DOC LAUNCH PRESENTATION | Presentation of 7 feature-length projects in post-production from Central and Eastern Europe scheduled for release between March and December 2013. Open for: All types of EDP & One World accreditations Where: Archa Theatre, Big Hall

SATURDAY, March 9, 2013 9.30am - 1.30pm | EAST EUROPEAN FORUM - Public Presentati


The 2nd East Doc Platform (EDP) edition is the largest Central and East European documentary event held March in Prague, 2013, organized by the Institute of Documentary Film. It is the meeting point for 120 East European filmmakers and producers who seek creative, financial and distribution support, and more than 70 key international festival programmers, commissioning editors, buyers, distributors, sales agents, film fund and organization representatives who will be able to choose from some of the most promising films and projects in Central and Eastern Europe.The event is organized by the Institute of Documentary Film In association with the One World International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival.