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Basic interpretation problems of economic history (a)

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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The introduction is based on the place of historical science and especially the field of economic history in the general classification of sciences. It follows its formation, examines its genesis, thought sources, separation from related sciences and subsequent institutionalization. It provides a comprehensive overview of various concepts of economic history, explains their basic terminology and introduces the contents of special research areas (history of agriculture, industry and business, trade, transport, consumption, urbanization, etc.), as well as working methods and techniques.

The course follows the formation and development of the modern capitalist market as a result of the interaction of supply and demand conceptually reflected in business strategies and their implementation. The subject of attention is on the one hand the modern entrepreneur, respectively. manager, as a dynamic actor of socio-economic change, on the other hand, attention is focused on other articles influencing the process of production of goods, starting with employment, technical and technological equipment and ending with the target object of market production, resp. consumer services. The consumer is also presented as an active, formative market player. Consumption is seen in the condition of economic, social and cultural development of society. The character of consumption in individual historical periods is interpreted depending on the regionally, ethnically, religiously and otherwise profiled consumption habits and, of course, also on the social affiliation of the consumer. The course concludes with an outline of the formation of cosmopolitan mass consumption subject to globalized fashion trends confronted with regional and local consumer traditionalism.

The lecture is complemented by an exercise that will focus on working with texts, their conceptualization and interpretation within the individual thematic areas.

Teaching is primarily full-time, depending on the development of the epidemiological situation and the instructions of the FFUK management, it is necessary to take into account possible transitions to the distance form. The distance form assumes a combination of self-study, consultations and video conferencing. Students will always be informed about any changes via e-mail.