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Cartel Harvest in Czechoslovakia

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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1. Úvod: základní pojmy a literatura

2. Fungování dokonalého a nedokonalého trhu

3. Od monopolistických praktik k tvořivé destrukci a evoluci monopolu: od statického k dynamickému přístupu

4. Proces tržní kartelizace pohledem legislativy

5. Politická či ekonomické racionalita? Kartelizace v meziválečném Československu

6. Od konjunktury k ekonomické krizi, od kartelizace k cenovým válkám (příklad velké hospodářské krize)

7. Černá skříňka: konfrontace a kooperace uvnitř monopolní organizace

8. Býti outsiderem, aneb logika kolektivního chování

9. Transfer technologií a lobbingové strategie

10. Dekartelizace západních ekonomik

11. Závěrečné shrnutí, diskuze


The prevailing economic theory and legislative practice generally perceive the process of cartelization negatively as a phenomenon reducing the market performance. However, prior to World War II, cartels were perceived quite differently in economic and political contexts.

On the European continent, they were credited with increasing the efficiency of market competition, stimulating technological innovations and mitigating the negative effects of economic crises. Indeed, it was possible to speak of the "Janus-faced" cartels.

On the one hand, they harmed consumers, but on the other hand, cartels contributed to the long-term development of the economy. The aim of the lecture is to outline the effects of cartels on economic performance, socio-economic relations in the market and state economic policy.

The argument focuses on interwar Czechoslovakia, where cartels permeated the entire economy. For contextualization, developments in other European countries and non-European regions will also be outlined, including the post-war process of decartelization in Western Europe.