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European Cultural Heritage Database - Construction Process - Hands on Seminar

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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Hands-on Seminar is an introduction to applied Heritage Studies. It is focused around the REACH Project Database of Good-Practice in Culture Heritage Management, which is public digital database designed as a source of inspiration and getting know-how for various actors involved in C.

Heritage management, participation or preservation. Students will go through basic terms, notions, concepts and approaches in contemporary Heritage Studies.

The criteria of the database will be analyzed and discussed. As the students will get some basic know-how of the analysis of the processes of C.

Heritage praxis, they will subsequently participate on the creation of the database by collecting, measuring and evaluating the specific cases. The final goal of the seminar is to fill the records into the online database of the REACH project.

Exact structure of the lessons will be set up according to the specific cases.