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Politické systémy Latinské Ameriky

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Politické systémy Latinské Ameriky 2. 10.    

Úvodní přednáška – základní rysy a  problémy latinskoamerické politiky  

Smith, P. (2005). Democracy in Latin America. Political Change in Comparative Prespective, Oxford UP, s. 19-41.  

Whitehead, L. (2006). Latin American State Organization. In: Latin America A New Interpretation, Routledge, s. 69-117.   9. 10.    

Prezidentské režimy v Latinské Americe  

Linz, J. J. (1990). The Perils of Presidentialism. Journal of Democracy, 1 (1), 51-69.  

Llanos, M. and L. Marsteintredet (2010). Introduction: Presidentialism and Presidential

Breakdowns in Latin America. In: Presidential Breakdowns in Latin America: Causes and Outcomes of Executive Instability in Developing Democracies, Palgrave, s. 1-17.   16. 10.  

Nestabilita – puče, autogolpes, golpes cívicos, impeachmenty  

Pérez-Liñán, and J. Polga-Hecimovich (2016). Explaining military coups and impeachments in Latin America. Democratization, 24(5), 839-858.  

Isacson, A. (2019). What is Latin America’s Political Turmoil Doing to Civilian Control of the Military? WOLA Commentary. (   23. 10.  

Znovuzvolení prezidentů  

Corrales, J. (2016). Can anyone stop the president? Power asymmetries and term limits in Latin America, 1984–2016. Latin American Politics and Society, 58(2), 3-25.     30. 10.  

Zákonodárná moc, federalismus  

Gervasoni, C. (2010). A rentier theory of subnational regimes: Fiscal federalism, democracy, and authoritarianism in the Argentine provinces. World politics, 62(2), 302-340.     6. 11.  

Politické strany, hnutí, zájmové organizace  

Coppedge, M. (2018). The Evolution of Latin American Party Systems. In: Politics, Society, and Democracy in Latin America, Routledge, (elektronická nestránkovaná verze).  

Wills-Otero, L. (2009). From Party Systems to Party Organizations: The Adaptation of Latin American Parties to Changing Environments, Journal of Politics in Latin America, 1 (1) 123-141.     13. 11.  

Volební systémy  

McClintock, C. (2018). Reevaluating Runoffs in Latin America. Journal of   Democracy, 29(1), 96-110.     20. 11.  

Problémy kvality demokracie a vládnutí  

Mazzuca, S. L., Munck, G. A. (2020). ( Middle-Quality Institutional Trap. Democracy and State Capacity in Latin America, Cambridge, s. 3-35.     27. 11.  

Autoritářství a autoritářské tendence  

Corrales, J. (2015). The Authoritarian Resurgence: Autocratic Legalism in Venezuela. Journal of Democracy, 26 (2), 37-51.  
