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Library Management

Class at Faculty of Arts |


1.   Management generally1.1 Importance and characteristics of modern management1.2 Process Approach1.3 Psycho-social approach1.4 System approaches and other1.5 Application of marketing management2. Organization and Management Library2.1 Effect of legislation on the activities of libraries2.1.1 General legal norms Czech and international .2.1.2 Library legislation in the 90s and currently2.1.3 Libraries Act of 2001 and its implementing regulations2.2 The Strategic Plan of the Czech librarianship - the mission and goals of public libraries , external conditions , current status and future trends2.3 Library and Information System in Czech Republic2.3.1 A brief outline of the historical development.2.3.2 The role of libraries in building a national information system - national, regional and local levels2.3.3 Regional function of public libraries2.3.4 Regional Library System2.3.5 Knihovnická associations and consortia in the Czech Republic2.4 The role of the international library and information organizations in the collaboration and cooperation of libraries / UNESCO , IFLA , FID , and other IBBY /3.   Organization and management of the library3.1 Marketing Strategy Library - its impact on the organization and management. Background and Characteristics . Marketing program library.3.2 Planning - categories of objectives , types of plans , the planning process3.3 Organizing3.3.1 Organisational and functional structure of the library ,3.3.2 The organization of work, working process and workflow.3.3.3 Library and its basic documents - founding charter , statute , organization , library rules , borrowing rules, work , file and archive order3.4 Decision-making processes in the management of the library - the definition of the problem, its formulation , alternative solutions , implementing decisions3.5 Control - control function , process control , equipment control , feedback control , the types of controls3.6 Personal and social processes in the management of the library3.6.1 The recruitment , selection and recruitment3.6.2 The assessment of work skills3.6.3 The adaptive management process3.6.4 Preparation Workers3.6.5 The evaluation work3.6.6 professional career librarians3.6.7 redundancies3.7 Managing staff - personality and management style , delegating the management , staff motivation and communication, teamwork in the library.3.8 Financing libraries3.8.1 Resources and opportunities3.8.2 Programmes and projects in support of libraries3.8.3 The economic agenda libraries - especially budget

Teaching complements ongoing internship in library


To provide students with basic knowledge of management theory and in particular the theory and practice of management and organization of libraries so that they are able to apply problem-solving management practices at all levels. Theoretical knowledge of general management compared with the practical aspects of management and organization of libraries based on current information and case studies.

Before the oral examination (at specified terms) must be met: full-time study: 1. participation in the internship and internship evaluation 2. monitoring of current topics (online discussion in Moodle, an extract from the article) combined study: 1. Essay on news from the Czech professional press 2. Participation in the online discussion on the topic 3. Processing essay on the organization and management of the library and its presentation in the colloquium