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Internet Services (VS)

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The boring things first - history of Internet

- together with principles

- packets and their life in the network

- webserver and other beasts

- protocols or "which language are you talking to me with"?

- gang of HTTP protocols

- DNS does not mean a DeNial of Service ;-)

- my address, my computer, my own place in the big big World

- changes in IP6 protocol aka "the death of Internet that had never come"

- censure of the internet, China "rulez"!

Services of Internet

- E-mail, the most successful thing ever - why?

- e-FfffTeePee, my electronic tent

- Usenet, teleconferences

- somethin' new

- peer-to-peer vs. client-server architecture

- how does the Skype works? Well, who knows... ;-)

- ICQ, file-sharing, podcasting (hope somebody will help me here :-)

Search engine is not a Ctrl+F function of your text editor

- crawlers, spiders, robots - my electronic friends and enemies

(spambots) and how they work?

- index, indexes, indices - my pre-sorted list of (un)relevant things

- advertisements, business models (maybe)

Browser, browser, browser, oh mighty browser!

- (X)HTML - ehh, yes, another cumbersome details of one of many marking languages

- Javascript, DOM

- plugins and extensions (Java, Flash, Quicktime)

My web, my castle

- usability, accessibility of web pages

- yes, I can deploy that bloody thing without programming!

Web 2.0

- some old fashioned library things as metadata, digital object identifiers, bibliographic description in a brand new world

- social sites, virtual communities, sharing, collaboration, 1+1 is not 2, but maybe 3,4,5....

- semantic web vs. Web 2.0


Tuesday 16:40-18:15

Bi-weekly meetings.

UISK, Jinonice, room 2017

Internet excites people. Many love it, some frown upon it, many talk about it, but few go beyond conventional knowledge of what is happening in background. The content available on the internet might be the most important thing, but in this seminar we will ignore all the "important" things and focus at the form. The goal is to understand the principles of internet architecture, its different services and the way they (can) interact.

No philosophical and historical excursions are given (unless deemed necessary) and we do not want to speak about things from the theoretical-only point of view. This seminar is not recommended for hackers (because they already know much more) and not for people who want to acquire practical knowledge on "how to..." (learn HTML, do a website, write scripts, query database etc.) This seminar should serve to enrich understanding of internet and the ways it can be exploited in the real-life (a few examples include: dynamic pages, spiders, OAI harvesting, web services).

Pro tento dotaz bohužel nemáme k dispozici žádné další výsledky.