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Book history and digital humanities

Class at Faculty of Arts |


Research of book history in the context of digital humanities.

- Book history: the nature of discipline and its methods.

- Main principles of digital humanities and book history.

- Data visualization in the field of book history.

Old media (manuscripts, incunabula, early printed books) in a digital environment.

- Digital libraries: descriptions of books and facsimiles.

- The use of bibliographic information in the research.

- Provenance research in book history.

New directions of old media research.

- Digital editions and “material texts”.

- Advanced image presentation.

- Contextualization of knowledge and integration of digital resources to book culture.


(The course is taught in English.)

The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the research of book history in the context of digital humanities. In addition to introducing the theoretical aspects of the subject, the course will focus mainly on the presentation of older book culture in the digital environment, especially on the presentation of old media (manuscripts, incunabula, early printed books) as well as various research topics (provenance, materiality of books, etc.). It also points to new directions in old media research.

The course is taught in three blocks (2 hours lecture, 1 hour seminar). The lecture is based on the frontal instruction associated with the subsequent discussion. The seminar is based on individual analytical work of students with selected electronic resources, presentation of results of work and mutual discussion. Students will submit a seminar paper presenting the critical evaluation and comparison of selected projects to book history in the digital environment.

To gain an attestation, it is necessary to demonstrate the basic orientation in digital humanities and the presentation of book history in the digital environment. The overall evaluation will also take into account the submitted seminar paper.