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Content analysis

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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1. Referenční teorie významu (sémiotický trojúhelník)

2. Teoretické základy obsahové analýzy v sémantice a lingvistice

3. Indexace

4. Systém organizace znalostí

5. Tvorba abstraktů a dalších redukovaných textů

6. Doménová analýza


Through continuously assigned tasks, students will get acquainted with key methods and techniques of intellectual and machine content analysis and synthesis of information resources. They will learn to apply the theoretical principles of semantics and linguistics in typical tasks of information content processing.

They will get familiar with the techniques of writing abstracts and other reduced texts, of resource indexing, semantic mapping, domain analysis and the production of analytical reviews. They will practice the use of relevant knowledge organization systems for the creation of subject metadata.