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Marketing of Cultural Heritage

Class at Faculty of Arts |


The aim of the course is to prepare students for the positions in leadership in a diversity of arts industry environments, ranging from large organizations and bureaucracies to self-employment, by imparting understanding and appreciation of arts, and a range of skills necessary to manage cultural resources, both human and material. Content:

1.        Introduction to art marketing philosophy, definitions, history and the role of marketing in society in information society.

2.        Buyer behavior. Consumer, household and company buyer behavior; understanding audiences, library user's and museum-going behavior.

3.        Segmentation. Targeting specific market segments, visitors, members, donors and volunteers.

4.        Marketing information system and market research. Data sources, research tools, budgeting and main steps in the research process in non-profit cultural organizations.

5.        Marketing-mix, 4 Ps, 4 Cs, additional Ps and Cs. The product and its life cycle, new products, classification, brand, collections, exhibits, programs, services, purchasable products; product strategies.

6.        The price and pricing strategies. Pricing admission, loaned objects, membership, merchandise and facilities rental.

7.        Distributing offerings and services. The main facility, physical branches, programs, publications, E-distribution.

8.        Marketing communication and promotion. Advertising, PRs, sales promotion, direct marketing. Fundraising and sponsoring, public and private art institutions and organizations, art and corporate image. Art in marketing (ads and spots)

9.        Marketing for non-profit organizations: Art promotion as a social and aesthetical form of communication, art promotion as a shifting social and political activity, views of art, art functions, experiences, promotions. The politics and administration of the arts developments, goal achievements, framework state and municipal tasks, art in the public space.

10.    Marketing for commercial organizations in culture: Marketing in private galleries, art auctions and fine art business, marketing in performing art, theater, concert, marketing in publishing houses and in movie industry. Practical and academic aspects of arts promotions, developing an art exhibition, public relations as a tool.

11.    Marketing plan, the SWOT analysis, strategies in cultural and/or non-profit organization .

12.    Presentation   Students who complete the course should be able to understand the marketing concept and its application in conditions of 21st century, evaluate the role of arts within our culture and the role of cultural organizations in the market, understand the influence of both the micro and macro environmental forces on marketing, explain key marketing concepts, particularly those relating to market research, segmentation and target marketing, positioning and buyer behavior in arts organizations, use the tools of marketing mix (the Ps and Cs) for attracting audiences and funding from a diversity of sources including government and the private sector, and attracting opportunities for international exchange, apply marketing concepts, analyze and interpret marketing data, to evaluate market opportunities and threats and select the best solution from available strategic options and present in both forms of communication - oral and written - acquired knowledge and skills.


The course presents marketing applications in various branches of art and culture focusing on specifications of these applications (in museums, galleries, libraries, theaters, concerts, performances, etc.). It helps to find ways how a culture company or information center can survive in today's turbulent environment and increasing competition.

New customers' demands escalate importance of strategic marketing without which it is impossible to make any strategic decisions. The course also focuses on defining strategies to reach marketing objectives of a company, corresponding with its character, searching for company's marketing opportunities on existing markets, specific market selection, market related strategies and tactics in the branch of art.

The course specifies application of marketing approach in various cultural branches of non-profit organizations as well as profit organizations.