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Information Science in Context: project of bibliometric mapping of IS in Czech Republic

Class at Faculty of Arts |


1. Mapping of national and international publication output of Czech researchers in the field of information and library science

2. Creation of classification scheme of information and library science which would be applied to the earlier generated list of core titles. Co-word analysis method will be used to define the classification scheme.

3. Publication output data will be processed and input into the visualization software (VOSviewer) to create final visualizations: - based on created classification scheme. - based on selected journal / conference titles. - based on further available metadata.

4. This model will be compared with a model based on a peer-review method.


Time: Monday, 2:10pm - 3:40pm

Students will participate with the lecturers on the project of bibliometric mapping of information science in the Czech Republic. We will first define the methodology of the research and will conduct a pilot study on a small set of data. After getting acquainted with basic theories, we will work on the project of bibliometric mapping of the Czech research output in the field of information and library science. We will find the most suitable classification of library and information science; we will define the core sources for the Czech output in this field and we will work with visualization software and create our own final visualizations.