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Latinská a německá knihovědná terminologie (VS - knihovědné zaměření)

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Introductory part

·         General introduction in the history of early modern libraries

·         An ideal pattern followed and applied in the foundation, amplifiing and organizing of an early modern library

Aristocratic libraries in the 17th and 18th c.

·         Rise and development of the aristocratic libraries and their survival in time

·         Role of the aristocratic libraries in self representation of a noble man

·         Aristocratic libraries as a result of the collectors’ passion

·         (Examples in the Czech Lands: Lobkowicz Library of Roudnice, Dietrichstein Library in Mikulov, Rožmberk (Rosenberg) Library, The Library of the family Metternich in Kynžvart (Königswart), Prag Palace Libraries of the Nostitz Family and the Kinsky Family, The Library of Family Kolowrat of Krakow in Březnice Castle etc.;

·         Examples of the foreign libraries: Hofbibliothek in Vienna, The Library of the Duchess Anna Amalia in Weimar, The Library of the Duke August in Wolfenbüttel etc.)

Bourgeois libraries in the 17th and 18th c.

·         Specific attributes of the bourgeois libraries (vocational profile and structure)

·         Survival of the bourgeois libraries and applied research methods (probate inventories, examples of physically preserved libraries)


·         Libraries of the church institutions

·         Monastery libraries, their specific situation and transfer of the books after secularisation

·         (Example of the monastery libraries in the Czech Lands: Premonstratensian Library in Strahov, Premonstratensian Library in Teplá, Cistercian Library in Vyšší Brod, Benedictine Library in Rajhrad etc.;

·         Examples of the foreign libraries: Cistercian Library in Waldsassen, Benedictine Library in Admontu, Monastery Library in Sankt Gallen, Benedictine Library in Melk)

·         Parish libraries and libraries of other church institution

·         (Examples in the Czech Lands: Archbishopric Library in Kroměříž, Prague Chapter Library at the Cathedral of St. Vitus etc.;

·         Examples of the foreign libraries: Papal Vatican Library, Archbishopric Academy Library in Paderborn, Diocesal and Dome Library in Köln am Rhein a etc.)

·         University libraries and libraries of the secular institutions

Libraries in the 19th and 20th c.

·         Transformation of the privat libraries into the public institution and foundation of the new public and scientific libraries

·         The first and second library law and the results they brought about


Po 9:10 – 15:45 v Nové budově Národního muzea ve dnech 25.2., 8.4. a 6.5.2013.

• problematika latinské a německé knihovědné terminologie a její přesahy do příbuzných oborů (historie, archivnictví, pomocné vědy historické)

• latinská a německá frazeologie a syntax charakteristická pro historické knižní fondy, specifická frazeologie preliminárií starých tisků

• latinské a německé provenienční záznamy (exlibris, supralibros, dedikace), charakteristika idiomatiky a syntaxe provenienčních záznamů

• nácvik překladu, porozumění a evidence konkrétních informací v katalogizačním záznamu