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Úvod do stylistiky ( Sakubun njúmon)

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1  Introduction, Trial Writing  2  State reasons. theme 「私のおすすめ」 3  Explain procedures,  theme「準備の説明」 4  Thesis Statement,  theme「文化・習慣のちがい」 5  Relay Sakubun 6  Writing your Opinions  7  Indicative and Conjunctive Expressions, theme 「アナログ vs デジタル」 8  Outline and Review, theme 「映画(本)のレビュー」 9  Relay Sakubun 10  Citation, theme「ニュースの紹介」 11  Explain Data 1 12  Exxplain Data and Analyze  13  Review

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Teaching focuses on practical training in writing short pieces. Based on a given text, students will write their own texts. student's works will be peer-reviewed as well as self-reviewed based on the rubrics.