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Pocta doyenům srbské kinematografie: Velimir Bata Živojinović a Dragan Gaga Nikolić

Předmět na Filozofická fakulta |


1. Kad budem mrtav i beo / When I am dead and gone (1967)- Živojin Pavlović   2.

Skupljači perja / Happy Gypsies (1967) - Aleksandar Petrović   3. Nacionalna klasa / National Class (1979) - Goran Marković   4.

Uzrok smrti ne spominjati / Do not mention the cause of death (1968) - Jovan Živanović   5. Ko to tamo peva / Who is singing over there? (1980) - Slobodan Šijan   6.

Balkan Ekspres 2 (1989) - Predrag Antonijević, Aleksandar Đorđević, Miloš Radović   7. Povratak otpisanih / The Written Off Return (1976) - Aleksandar Đorđević   8.

Idemo dalje / Just move on (1982) - Zdravko Šotra   9. Kako je propao rokenrol / The Fall of Rock & Roll  (1988) - Goran Gajić, Zoran Pezo, Vlaidmir Slavica   10.

Ptice koje ne polete / Some Birds Can't Fly (1997) - Petar Lalović   11. Zona Zamfirova (2002) - Zdravko Šotra   12.

Bonus: Poseban tretman / Special Treatment (1980) - Goran Paskaljević


The measure of an artist´s originality, put in its simplest terms, is the extent to which his selective emphasis deviates from the conventional norm and establishes new standards of relevance, said Arthur Koestler. This year is a sad one for Serbian cinematography since some great artists, actors and film workers had departed. This course is just an attempt to show to younger generations how brilliant they were and to pay our respect to their grandness.