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Slovínské spisovatelky v 19. a 20. století

Předmět na Filozofická fakulta |


1. Women Writers and Slovene literary history.

Canon and periphery. Phallocentric criticism of the texts of Slovene Women Writers.

Problems of canonical and non-canonical authors. 2. Slovene cultural context in the 19.

Century. The role of Women Writers in context.

Bilingualism of female authors. Their reception in literary society. 3.

First Generation of Women Writers: Josipina Turnograjska(1833-1854) and Luiza Pesjakova (1828-1898). 4. The analysis of the novel Beatin dnevnik (The diary of Beata) and the poetry of Luiza Pesjak. 5.

Pavlina Pajk (1854-1901) and the innovation of the narrative strategies in her novels and short stories. The complicity of the female heroine and the searching for the narrative in her novels. 5.

The period of modernism and the changes in the Slovene culture. Vida Jeraj as one of the main members of the generation of Slovene “moderna”. 6.

The poetics of Vida Jeraj (1875- 1932). 7. The phenomenon of the German Slovene Writer Lili Novy (1885-1958). 8.

Symbolical poetry of L. Novy: the crises of identity in the poetics of writing. 9.

The first professional Slovene writer Zofka Kveder (1879-1926) and her literary opus: her prose and drama. 10. The innovation in the narrative: the short stories Misterij žene (The Mysteries of the Women), novel Njeno življenje (Her life) and Hanka. 11.

The writer Mira Mihelič (1912-1985) and her literary success in the psychological novel and drama after the Second World war. 12. The poetry of Svetlana Makarovič (1939) in the development of Slovene poetry.

The problem of the lyrical subject. 13. Conclusion.


The topics of the lecture are Slovene women writers in the 19. and 20. Century. We will research the different generations of Slovene Writers and analyse their texts. First we will accentuate the “mothers and grandmothers” in

Slovene literature and their appearance in Slovene public life at the end of romanticism and in the realism of the 19th. Century. We will rethink their bilingualism and the sociological facts of their writing. We will also discuss the cultural context in the 19th. Century and their connections to the national idea and the forming of the Slovene identity. We will analyse different and genres in their writing: poetry and novels and we will speak about the imagery in their texts.

We will continue our research with the daughters – Women Writers: the third generation of Slovene women writers in the beginning of the 20 Century. We will study their connections to the movement of feminism. First we will analyse the context and the period of Slovene modernism and then we will analyse their texts. We will also rethink poor reception of their texts. We will continue our lectures with the presentation of Slovene women writers after the

Second World War: we will expose one prose writer (Mira Mihelič) and one poet (Svetlana Makarovič).