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Ženy a válka v Jugoslávii

Předmět na Filozofická fakulta |



1. Introduction - brief history of the region, role of women in war, women as motifs and icons in literature and art

2. 1st WW - entrance of women in war zone: novel Hanka by Zofka Kveder

3. Fight for women's rights, women's question under socialism and communism

4. 2nd WW - Women on front and in resistance: art project by Zoki Cardula Heroines of Yugoslavia

5. Experiance of war - women writers of 2nd WW

6. Life after war: novel Trieste by Daša Drndić

7. Unfortunate 90's - Witch hunt: feminism and anti-war propaganda

8. Living in exile: writings by Dubravka Ugrešić (Ministry of Pain and American Fictionary)

9. Rape as a weapon: play Alisa, Alice by Dragica Potočnjak

10. Between right and family: film Dobra žena by Mirjana Karanović

11. Are you not just a victim that sells her trauma? - contemporary bosnian post-war poetry: Dijala Hasanbegović, Adisa Bašić, Amila Kahranović - Posavljak

12. Hidden genocide - deletition of people in post-war Slovenia: film Erased by Miha Mazzini

13. Conclusion


The region of the former Yugoslavia, today consisting of as many as seven countries, has always been characterized by battles and wars. The rich history is a source of inspiration for many works of art and literature.

During the course Women and War in Yugoslavia, we will focus on the role and position of women in war, their anti-war actions, participation in resistance, cooperation on the front, and the problems and issues raised by the unstable political situation and the interplay of cultures, religions and languages. Individual topics will be addressed through works of art and literature that give us insight into the complexity of the war and post-war situation.

The course consists of thirteen interactive lectures. Letures will be taught in English.