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Classical Sites of the UNESCO World Heritage List

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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1) UNESCO and World Heritage List 2) Greece (Bassai, Athens, Delphi, Epidauros, Olympia, Delos, Samos, Aigai, Mycenae, Tiryns and Philippi) 3) Italy 1 (Rome, Naples, Ravenna, Agrigento, Pompeii, Herculaneum, Oplontis) 4) Italy 2 (Villa del Casale, Aquilea, Paestum, Tivoli, Cerveteri and Tarquinia, Syracusae) 4) United Kingdom (Bath, Roman Frontiers); France (Arles, Orange, Pont du Gard, Lyon) 5) Spain (Segovia, Toledo, Salamanca, Mérida, Las Médulas, Tárraco, Lugo, Tower of Hercules); Portugal (Évora, Oporto) 6) Germany (Trier, Roman Frontiers, Regensburg); Hungary (Budapest/Aquincum, Pécs) 7) Morocco (Volubilis); Algeria (Djémila, Timgad, Tipasa); Tunisia (El Djem, Carthage, Kerkuane, Dougga); Libya (Cyrene, Leptis Magna, Sabratha) 8) Bulgaria (Kazanlak, Nessebar, Sveshtari); Romania (Dacian fortresses of the Orastie Mountains); Ukraine (Tauric Chersonese) 9) Croatia (Split, Trogir); Abania (Butrint); Serbia (Gamzigrad - Romuliana); Cyprus (Paphos) 10) Turkey (Istanbul, Nemrut Dag, Xanthos - Letoon, Troy, Pergamon, Ephesus, Aphrodisias); Syria (Bosra, Palmyra) 11) Lebanon (Baalbek, Byblos, Tyre); Israel (Masada, Desert Cities in the Negev) 12) Palestine (Betlehem); Jordan (Jerusalem, Petra, Baptism site "Bethany beyond the Jordan") and conclusion

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In some parts of the current world are important and admired monuments in serious danger for varying reasons.

The course will introduce the students to the topic of Global Cultural Heritage Management and more specifically to the reason of the existence of UNESCO and its "World Heritage List", "Tentative List" and "List of World Heritage in Danger". Particular lectures will present more focused information on the UNESCO heritage sites of the

Classical, prevailingly Greek and Roman world, according to modern countries. Therefore and not surprisingly we will talk about the importance, specifics and details of different monuments in 25(!) countries (Greece, Italy, United

Kingdom, Portugal, Spain, France, Albania, Algeria, Tunisia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Germany, Hungary, Israel,

Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Ukraine, Palestine, Romania, Sebia, Syria and Turkey).