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Role Spojených států v poválečných korejsko-japonských vztazích

Předmět na Filozofická fakulta |


1. Japanese-American relations and the Japanese occupation of Korea

2. Forced to reconcile. Japanese-Korean relations in the US diplomatic correspondence of 1960s

3. Vietnam war and Japanese-Korean relations

4. Quasi-alliance and the question of security in triangular relations of Japan, ROK and the US

5. Obama and Trump diplomacy and the Japanese-Korean issue Lecturer: Dr. Olga Barbasiewicz


Bloková přednáška se bude konat v týdnu 7.-11.5.2018, čas a místo bude včas upřesněno.

The aim of this course is to acquaint students with the role of the US in shaping the post war relations between

Japan and the Republic of Korea, with a special emphasis on the treaties analysis and other documents as well as the political speeches and the media discourse. At the same time, the aim of this course is to develop students’ ability to analyze the impact of the US onto the Korean-Japanese struggles over history.