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Logic seminar II

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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Students can choose the following seminars:

Doc. Honzík, Research Seminar in Logic, more information

Dr. Thapen, Logic seminar at the Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, more information

Prof. Krajíček, Student logic seminar, more information

Dr. Sedlár, Seminar of applied mathematical logic, more information

Dr. Chodounský, Seminář z počtů (Prague set theory seminar), info:

Important: Sign up in SIS with the code for Logic seminar I (ALG519021) or Logic seminar II (ALG519022) at the department of logic, credits will be asigned by the head of the department. It is possible to choose a different seminar, but you should consult your choice with the head of the department before the semester starts (the idea is to choose a seminar which is in the area of your interest).