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Historical metalexicography

Class at Faculty of Arts |


Annotation: The tutorial is intended not only for students of Czech studies, but also of other philological fields (both BA´s and MA´s), and generally for all interested in lexicographical practice and history of Czech linguistics. The aim of the seminar is to create the Czech version of the remarkable Polish project Słowniki dawne i współczesne (Ancient and Contemporary Dictionaries, It will be a web portal documenting the history of Czech dictionaries from its early beginnings (Klaret´s work) to this day. Together we will try to describe encyclopedically the most important milestones of Czech lexicography of the last six centuries. Students will have chance not only to work on an encyclopedic entry, but they will go through the whole review procedure: they will receive two reviews on their work, and reviewers´ comments will then be taken into account in the final form of the article.

Topics: 1. Introduction to lexicography in general: types of dictionaries, modern trends in lexicography, internet lexicography, description of intended project, metalexicography 2. Differences between monolingual and bilingual lexicography, macrostructure of dictionary and microstructure of an entry, explanatory definition, translation equivalent, specialised lexicography 3. Lexicographical processing of selected encyclopedic entries, their revision based on reviews, issues of publishing activities, specifics of peer-review procedure