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Muzea v mezinárodním kontextu

Předmět na Filozofická fakulta |


This lecture is mandatory and close only for students of a new master program “Museum studies”. The purpose of the subject is to convey a complex view into the museum institutions in the international context through their roles established in the museum definition and their historical standing. It is particularly important to present museums as contemporary institutions that are a part of an integral network of institutions representing and documenting cultural heritage through their collections on both national and international level. Aside from the role of institution the subject also emphasizes the significance of collections and information and their inherent international context. The main thematic areas will be 1) collection creation reality in an international context, 2) public role of museums in presentation and educational activities, 3) new trends and scientific activities of museums, 4) organizational chart - differences and similarities between the international and czech context.

The main thematic areas will be: 1. The Role, Character and Definition of Museums in an International Context 2. Collection-building in Museums in an International Context 3. Exhibition Activities of Museums in an International Context 4. Scientific Research in Museums in an International Context 5. Presentation and Accessibility of Cultural Heritage and Museum Institutions in an International Context 6. The Educational Role of Museums in an International Context 7. The Social Responsibility of Museums in an International Context 8. Digitization of and within Museums in an International Context 9. Associations, Organizations, Standards and Legislation of museums in an international context 10. Fundraising and Business Models in Museums in an International Context 11. Presentations of short reports on selected topics and discussion 12. Presentations of short reports on selected topics and discussion.