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Contemporary Visual Culture

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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Přehled témat seminářů:

1. Úvod, proč studovat vizuální kulturu

2. Pod povrch obrazu: Roland Barthes, Vilém Flusser

3. Obraz jako ideologie

4. Obraz a gender

5. Obraz a technologie, mezihra: Stručná historie technických obrazů

6. Obraz a (post)kolonialismus / Obraz a násilí

7. Obraz, media a popkultura

8. Guest lecture / Host

9. Obraz v době sociálních sítí a digitálního kapitalismu

10. Post-lidské obrazy, obrazy antropocénu

11. Obraz a paměť, hauntologie, nostalgie

12. Obraz a budoucnost

13. Prezentace děl a esejí


The main goal of the course is to help navigate the uncertain terrain between philosophy and media. Thinking with the image, whose main tool is concrete concepts, is on its way to abstract thought, but has not yet detached itself from its foundation, which is ordinary, lived experience - for example, the experience of travel and movements, the experience of the body and corporeality, the experience of time in terms of the everyday, fluidity and discontinuity, horizon, boundaries, limit, etc.

Thinking in images, thinking in concrete terms, is at the same time close to metaphor, sign, symbol, cipher, and thus to rhetoric poetics. These are all topics that can be considered together - in the context of philosophy, literature, visual arts, theatre and film.

The starting point for all the reflections will be not only the history of the specific concepts in question, their fate in different historical epochs, but above all their place in the contemporary world, i.e. the lectures will very often touch upon 20th century philosophy and art in their mutual influence.