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The Czech Educational system

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Course syllabus

The course is supposed to give a basic overview of the Czech Educational System, its development and structure.

A. The Czech Educational System – Structure and history

B. Current issues and reforms in Czech education

C. The Czech System of Education in the European Context

D. The Czech System of Education versus Other Educational Systems around the World

Bibliography and sources of information:

European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice, 2013. Education and Training in Europe 2020: Responses from the EU

Member States. Eurydice Report. Brussels: Eurydice.

OECD Education at Glance 2014. OECD Publishing, 2014. ISBN 978-92-64-21132-2

National Summary sheets on education systems in Europe and ongoing reforms: Czech Republic, 2010 Edition.

Eurydice 2010.

Structures of Education and Training Systems in Europe: Czech Republic. 2009/2010 Edition. Eurydice, European


Complementary bibliography:

KASPER, T. KASPEROVÁ, D. Dějiny pedagogiky. Praha: Grada 2008.

PRŮCHA, J. Moderní pedagogika. Praha: Portál 2005.

PRŮCHA, J. Přehled pedagogiky: úvod do studia oboru. Praha: Portál 2000.

VALIŠOVÁ, A. KASÍKOVÁ, H. a kol. Pedagogika pro učitele. 1.vyd. Praha: Grada 2007.

The course is intended for ERASMUS+ students.

Form of completion:

The form of assessment of study of the subject is course credit ("zápočet"). The result of a course credit is graded as "credited"-"not credited"("započteno"-"nezapočteno").

Number of ECTS credits: 4

Credit requirements:

Active participation in an online class.

Give a commented PowerPoint presentation on the national educational system of the student´s home country.

The course will be taught solely online via MS Teams platform.

During the semester you dial into MS Teams at the scheduled time, open the class (that is set up there as a channel) and can then participate just like in "real life".

Direct link to the class: