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Contemporary Democracie's Hazards

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Tématické okruhy a povinná literatura

Co je to krize demokracie?

URBINATI, Nadia. Reflections on the Meaning of the “Crisis of Democracy”, Democratic Theory, doi: 10.3167/dt.2016.030102.

BERMEO, Nancy. 2016. On Democratic Backsliding, Journal of Democracy, doi: 10.1353/jod.2016.0012.

Pojem reprezentace: původ, teorie a současný stav

MANSBRIDGE, Jane. 2003. Rethinking Representation. American Political Science Review. 97(04), 515–528.

PITKIN, Hanna Fenichel. 1972. The concept of representation. 1st pbk ed. Berkeley, USA: University of California Press, str. 1-14.

Demokracie a reprezentace: nesnadná aliance

LANDEMORE, Hélène. 2008. Is representative democracy really democratic?: Interview of Bernard Manin and Nadia Urbinati. Dostupné z:

MANIN, Bernard. 2022. Principy reprezentativní vlády. Praha: Karolinum, kap. 4.

URBINATI, Nadia. 2014. Representative Democracy as Diarchy. Přednáška na workshopu Democracy and Representation, CSD, Westminster University, 2. 6. 2014.

Demokracie publika

MANIN, Bernard. 2022. Principy reprezentativní vlády. Praha: Karolinum, kap. 6.

Oligarchie a plebejství

GREEN, Jeffrey E. 2016. The Shadow of Unfairness: A Plebeian Theory of Liberal Democracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, str. 29-66.

WINTERS, Jeffrey A. 2011. Oligarchy. Cambridge: CUP, str. 1–39.

Technokracie a demokracie

BICKERTON, Christopher a INVERNIZZI ACCETTI, Carlo. 2020. “Technocracy and Political Theory. BERTSOU, E. a CARAMANI, D. (eds.) The Technocratic Challenge to Democracy, London: Routledge, str. 29-43.

CARAMANI, Daniele. 2020. “Technocratic representation”, in COTTA, M. a RUSSO, F. (eds.) Research Handbook on Political Representation. Cheltenham: EE Publishing, str. 135-147.

Populismus: teoretické koncepce

KALTWASSER, TAGGART, OCHOJA ESPEJO, OSTIGUY. (eds.) 2017. The Oxford handbook of populism, Oxford: OUP, kap. 2-4.

Populismus, reprezentace a demokracie

CANOVAN, Margaret. 1999. Trust the People! Populism and the Two Faces of Democracy. Political Studies. 47(1), 2-16.

MASTROPAOLO, Alfio. 2017. “Populism and Political Representation”, in HEINISCH, HOLTZ-BACHA, MAZZOLENI (eds.) Political Populism: A Handbook. Baden-Baden: Nomos, str. 59-72.

URBINATI, Nadia. 2018. Znetvořená demokracie. Karolinum: Praha, kap. 3.

Populismus a sociální média

MOFFITT, Benjamin. 2018. “Populism 2.0: Social media and the false allure of ‘unmediated’ representation”, in FITZI, MACKERT, TURNER (eds.) Populism and the Crisis of Democracy: Volume 2: Politics, Social Movements and Extremism, London: Routledge, str. 30-46.

Demokratická resilience

HOLLOWAY, Josh a MANWARING, Rob. 2022. How well does 'resilience' apply to democracy? A systemic review. Contemporary Politics,

LÜHRMANN, Anna. 2021. Disrupting the autocratization sequence: towards democratic resilience. Democratization,

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Podle mnohých současné demokracie procházejí hlubokou krizí. Zdá se, že její symptomy od úpadku politického stranictví až po vzestup populismu nelze přehlédnout.

Cílem kurzu bude prostřednictvím demokratické teorie a teorie politické reprezentace analyzovat některé z těchto patologických jevů.