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The World Order at the Crossroads

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1) Introduction

2) Charles A. Kupchan, No One’s World. The West, the Rising Rest, and the Coming Global Turn, Oxford University Press, 2012, Chapter I: The Turn.

3) C. A. Kupchan, ibid., Chapter III: The Last Turn. The West Bests the Rest.

4) C. A. Kupchan, ibid., Chapter IV: The Next Turn: The Rise of the Rest.

5) C. A. Kupchan, ibid., Chapter V: Alternatives to the Western Way.

6) C. A. Kupchan, ibid., Chapter VI: Reviving the West.

7) C. A. Kupchan, ibid., Chapter VII: Managing No One’s World.

8) Stephen Holmes, Ivan Krastev, The Light That Failed. A Reckoning, Allen Lane, 2019, Chapter III: Imitation as Dispossession, Part One.

9) S. Holmes, I. Krastev, ibid. Chapter III: Imitation as Dispossession, Part Two.

10) S. Holmes, I. Krastev, ibid., Conclusion: The Closing of an Age.

11) G. John Ikenberry, A World Safe for Democracy: Liberal Internationalism and the Crises of Global Order, Yale University Press, 2020, Chapter VIII: The Crisis of the Post-Cold War Liberal Order.

12) G. J. Ikenberry, ibid., Chapter IX: Mastering Modernity.

13) Closing Discussion


Since the last decade or so, we have been experiencing the crisis of the post-Cold War liberal order based on the Western/American hegemony. It has been signaled not only by the resurgence of the Russian imperialism and strengthening of the Chinese global influence but also by many victories of anti-globalist political forces in the West.

The arrival of Donald Trump in the White House, for example, can be taken as a sign that the US is withdrawing from its leading position in the world. Using a book by Charles A.

Kupchan the course will try to see this demise of the Western hegemony against the backdrop of its beginnings and transformations. We will assess Kupchan’s and G.

John Ikenberry’s predictions about a “no one’s world” which is coming. Ivan Krastev and Stephen Holmes will help us understand the nature of Trump’s revolution and the difference between the present enmity of Russia and China towards the West and the Cold War of the last century.