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Academic Writing

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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Topics may include:

● Academic vocabulary

● Grammar and mechanics

● Paragraph structure

● Essay structure

● Paraphrasing and summarizing

● Effective use of quotations

● Stylistics (vocabulary, conciseness)

● Correct paper formatting

● Responding to reading

● Writing process (pre-writing, writing, re-writing)

At the beginning of the course students will take a test. The scope to which we will pay attention to the individual topics will be determined based on the test results.

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The aim of this course is to prepare students to work in high level English environments.

The course will focus on both micro-level skills (grammar, vocabulary, spelling, sentence structure) as well as on macro-level skills (summarizing, paraphrasing, direct quotation, MLA and APA citations).

Students will be expected to do practical exercises both in class as well as at home. These may include writing abstracts, summaries, paraphrases, reviews, and sections of essays.

Students should bear in mind that writing good essays is not spontaneous and it requires their full attention and practice.


The course will be conducted in English. Methods of instruction include: individual work, seminar discussion, in-class assignments, peer-revision, independent reading, and working in pairs or small groups.


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