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Romantic and Intimate Relationships

Class at Faculty of Arts |


The family as the most universal socializing factor: definition of the term family, basic family functions and their possible disorders, basic characteristics of the current family in the Czech Republic

Historical aspect of the development of family relationships

Development of the family in terms of individual life stages: the importance of the model of the original family for the establishment of patterns of interpersonal perception of the partner and for forms of interaction, the formation of the partner's perception depending on the activity mediation

Social context of family relationships: macrosystem, mesosystem, exosystem, microsystem (Bronfenbrenner's model of individual development in a social context), social conditionality of activities in real partnerships

Defining a healthy partnership of spouses

Stability x instability of marriage and its possible causes: analysis of factors influencing the growth of divorce

Destruction of spouses' partnerships: characteristics of the pre-divorce stage, divorce, divorce and post-divorce difficulties and their societal consequences

Some basic concepts of marital therapy

Some examples of futurological family models Analysis of film materials related to the topic


The course provides a basic orientation in the field of family relationships. Defines concepts related to the structure and dynamics of the family, monitors family functions, the current social context of the family, including historical contexts.

It focuses on current development trends of the Czech family, analyzes possible factors influencing the reduction of family stability. He pays attention to the breakdown of the family in various contexts and some basic concepts of marital therapy.

The course can be considered a suitable supplement to the basic lectures of social psychology.