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Integrativní psychoterapie

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27. II. 1. 4 hours: 9 – 10.30, 10. 45 – 12.15 1. Integrative psychotherapy (IP). Conceptual and Historical Perspectives 2. 4 roots of PI. Common Factors / Processes 3. A Principle- Based Approach. to PI . Catherine F. Eubanks and Marvin R. Goldfried 4. Feedback Informed Treatment 5. III. 2. 9 – 10.30, 10. 45 – 12.15 5. Technical Eclecticism. Multimodal Therapy 6. Systematic Treatment Selection 7. Theoretical Integration. The Transtheoretical Approach. 8. Cyclical Psychodynamics – Paul L. Wachtel 12. III. 3. 9 – 10.30, 10. 45 – 12.15 9. Integrative Relational Psychotherapy 10. Assimilative Integration. Assimilative Psychodynamic Psychotherapy George Stricker and Jerry Gold 11. Cognitive-Behavioral Assimilative Integration - Louis G. Castonguay, Michelle G. Newman, and Martin Grosse Holtforth 12. Specific Disorders. Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder 19. III. 4. 9 – 10.30, 10. 45 – 12.15 13. Integrative Treatment of Generalized Anxiety. Henny A. Westra and Michael J. Constantino 14. Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy for Chronic Depression. James P. McCullough, Jr. and Elisabeth Schramm 15. Specific Populations & Modalities Integrative Psychotherapy with Culturally Diverse Clients 16. Integrative Psychotherapy with Children 26. III. 5. 10.30, 10. 45 – 12.15 17. Integrating Self-Help and Psychotherapy 18. Training and Supervision in Psychotherapy Integration 19. Research on Psychotherapy Integration – outcomes, integrating research and practice 20. Future Directions in Psychotherapy Integration

Place: Centrum integrativní psychoterapie - Praha 6, Bělohorská 93

– bell on the house: Frouzová “psychotherapy”, 2nd floor, on the lift Nb. 3

Maximum of people: 14


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Lectures take place in the CIP – Centre for Integrative Psychotherapy, located on the following address: 169 00 Praha 6, Břevnov, Bělohorská 93/2469.

They also consist of practicing certain psychotherapeutic techniques that correspond to the topic currently discussed. Some practices will be filmed and analyzed straight away to demonstrate the aim and execution of the relevant techniques.