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Neuroimaging and physiological methods in cognitive psychology

Class at Faculty of Arts |


* Biological foundations

Neuroanatomy, nerve impulse transmission and cerebral circulation, eye physiology, cardiac activity, skin conductance

* Introduction to methods, their history, principle of functioning, directions of research, basic studies

- EEG and MEG (electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography)

- fNIRS (functional near-infrared spectroscopy)

- eye-tracking (eye movements and pupillometry)

- other neuroimaging methods (fMRI, PET-scan, CT)

- other physiological methods (polygraph - skin conductance, ECG)


The brain is at the centre of psychological research, and neuroimaging methods provide unrivalled insights into its architecture and functioning. In a series of lectures, we will look at the strengths and weaknesses of each method and what they can reveal about brain functioning, particularly information processing. Neuroimaging methods will be complemented by methods that record physiological processes that automatically accompany our behaviour

(e.g. the polygraph). We will introduce the basic studies that have used the methods and learn to critically reflect them.