2. The context of queer theory
3. First hints of a queer theology
4. The boom of queer theology
5. Later developments
6. Queer Bible studies: queering the gospel
7. Queer systematic theology: queering God
8. Queer theology and religious practice
9. Feminism and queer theology
10. Black queer theology
11. Transtheology
12. Interreligious dialogue and queer theology
1. Introduction: the broader contexts of Christian theology2. The context of queer theory3. First hints of a queer theology4. The boom of queer theology5. Later developments6. Queer Bible studies: queering the gospel7. Queer systematic theology: queering God8. Queer theology and religious practice9. Feminism and queer theology10. Black queer theology11. Transtheology12. Interreligious dialogue and queer theology
Religion and LGBTQIA are often seen as two things completely anathema to each other. And yet there are tens of millions people in the world for whom this intersection is not only real, but extremely personal. Over the last half a century, this lived experience has gradually began to leave its mark on the realm of theorizing about faith as well, leading to the emergence of queer theology.
This course aims to show the development and variety of queer theology in the broader context of general theology and queer studies. With this in mind, the first part of the course will focus chiefly on the circumstances of the origins and development of queer theology, and in the second part, on its different contemporary forms and some of the challenges it faces. We might, for comparative purposes, touch upon the way LGBTQIA themes are treated in non-Christian religions, but for the sake of coherence, the main focus of the class will remain on Christian approaches.
The goal of this course is to show the various ways in which an LGBTQIA identity and religion, or more specifically Christianity, can not only coexist, but how in they can inspire each other to create unique approaches to both religion and the experience of a queer life.