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Arab-Israeli Conflict: Roots, Content and Resolution Ways

Class at Faculty of Arts |


Meeting 1. (18.03. Monday/понедельник 14:10–15:45 P313)

Jewish National Movement (Zionism) and the Arabs of the Land of Israel/Palestine / Сионистское движение и арабы Эрец-Исраэль/Палестины  

Meeting 2. (18.03. Monday/понедельник 14:10–15:45 P313 and 15:50–17:25 P313) Arab-Israeli Wars: reasons, process and their outcomes /Арабо-израильские войны: причины, ход и последствия  

Meeting 3. (19.03. вторник 17:30–19:05)

Arab-Israeli Wars/Арабо-израильские войны (continued)  

Meeting 4 (20.03. среда 12:30–14:05 P325)

Attempts to Solve Arab-Israeli Conflict and Struggle for Peace in the Middle East/ Попытки разрешения арабо-израильских конфликтов и перспективы установления мира на Ближнем Востоке  

Meeting 5 (21.03. четверг 9:10–10:45 P325 P313)

Israel and Palestinian Arabs: Struggle with Terrorism and the (Rest in) Peace Process/ Израильские евреи и палестинские арабы: борьба с терроризмом и (неудачный) мирный процесс  

Meeting 6 (25.03. понедельник 14:10–15:45 P313)

The Arab-Israeli Conflict, Public opinion and Israeli Politics/Арабо-израильский конфликт, общественное мнение и внутриполитический процесс  

Meeting 7. (25.03. понедельник 15:50–17:25 P313)

The Arab-Israeli Conflict, Public opinion and Israeli Politics/Арабо-израильский конфликт, общественное мнение и внутриполитический процесс (continued)  

Meeting 8 (26.03.  вторник 17:30–19:05 P313)

The USSR and Russia in the Middle East/ СССР и Россия на Ближнем Востоке  

Meeting 9 (27.03. среда 12:30–14:05 P325)

The Global North-South clash at the backdrop of Inflation of the Arab-Israeli Conflict: Israeli War with Hamas 2023-2024/ Опыт столкновения глобальных Севера и Юга на фоне инфляции арабо-израильского конфликта: война Израиля с Хамасом в 2023-2024 гг.      


Arab-Israeli conflict is almost as long, as the Jewish National movement – Zionism. Since the beginning of reestablishment of the Jewish “national home” in the Land of Israel/Palestine, conflicts with its Arab population, and, after the establishment of the State of Israel, also with the Arab states were one of the most important aspects of the life of the local Jewish community. Besides, involvement of the global and regional powers makes this conflict, including its Arab-Palestinian aspect, an important issue of the international agenda.

Whether the Arab-Israeli conflict was inevitable, and what are the ways to resolve it? How could we define ethnic national, religious, geopolitical and social aspects of the hundred-years long Middle Eastern conflict, and what was the role of the USSR/Russia and other superpowers in it? This proposed course aims to answer these and other related questions.