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Discrimination and the right to equal treatment

Class at Faculty of Arts |


ASC51PV19 - Discrimination and the right to equal treatment

Compulsory-Elective Course (NMgr.)

Lecturer: PhDr. Kateřina Šámalová, Ph.D. Anna Hofschneider, other externalists

Attestation: exam

Number of credits: 4  

The course is divided into two parts - general and special. The aim of the general part of the course is to introduce students to the issue of equality and discrimination as socially conditioned phenomena, to familiarize them with the tools of equalizing the opportunities of disadvantaged groups of people as well as the possibilities of effective defense against the manifestations of discrimination. Special part of the course aims to provide insight into specific topics, respectively. the situation of groups of persons facing a threat to their right to equal treatment or its consequences (persons with disabilities, persons with different ethnic backgrounds, persons with different sexual orientation, gender issues, age groups, etc.).  

Successful completion of the course presupposes: 1.knowledge of the genesis of human rights, key international human rights documents and institutional protection systems; 2. active participation of students in seminars (not less than 80%); emergency situations are solved by PhDr. K. Samalova, Ph.D. 3. Written analysis of a situation in which differential treatment may have occurred; 4.oral exam.  

The subject can be enrolled repeatedly.  


BOBEK, M., BOUČKOVÁ, P, KÜHN, Z. Equality and Discrimination. Prague: C.H. Beck, 2007.

BOUČKOVÁ, P. Equality and Social Rights. Prague: Auditorium, 2009.

BOUČKOVÁ, HAVELKOVÁ, KOLDINSKÁ, KÜHN, KÜHNOVÁ, WHELANOVÁ. Anti-discrimination law. Comment. Prague: C.H. Beck, 2016.

KOLÁŘOVÁ, K. et al. Otherness, disability, criticism. Elephant. 11. Aug. 2013

KOLDINSKÁ, K. Gender and Social Law. Equality between men and women in the social-legal context. C.H. Beck, 2010.

POSPISIL, I., LANGASEK, T., SIMICEK, V., WAGNEROVA, E. et al. Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms. Comment. Prague: Wolters Kluwer, 2012.

ŠAMÁNEK, J. NEHUDKOVA E., POLAK P., URBANIKOVA M., OBROVSKA L. Anti-discrimination law in case law and practice. Prague: C. H. Beck, 2017. Legal practice.  

Relevant legislative sources


The course introduces students to one of the basic principles of the rule of law, applied to the profession of social worker. A social worker often encounters discrimination and unequal treatment with his clients.

Lectures and joint solutions of specific examples within them will help to distinguish what is and what is not discrimination, what discriminatory reasons are recognized by current Czech law and how violations of equal treatment can be countered.