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Social Work and Social Welfare Advanced

Class at Faculty of Arts |


ASC51PV24 Social Work and Social Welfare Advanced Teacher: Mgr. et Mgr. Lenka Formánková, Ph.D. and PhDr. Melanie Zajacová, Ph.D. Compulsory elective course Attestation: exam. Number of credits: 4 Course objectives: Social policy and social work contribute to processes of societal integration in the modern welfare states. During the course, we will focus on the interdependence of the two fields: a) how the reforms in social policy schemes affect social work and b) on the influence of social work(ers) on the making of social policy, as well as the role of social workers as contributors to social welfare. The course will explore theories and concepts related to social exclusion and integration, and bring examples of practical applications to be analyzed and discussed by the course participants. Learning Aims: ·       Understand the reciprocal relationship between social policy and social work, examining how changes in generalized social policy schemes influence social work, and conversely, how social work and social workers impact the formulation of social policy. ·       Explore theories and concepts related to social exclusion and integration, legal considerations, and analyze practical applications, fostering a comprehensive understanding of the interdependence between social policy and social work.  Goals for Competency Enhancement: ·       Critically reflect on the current state of practice and research in global social welfare and social work studies, with a specific focus on the context of the Czech Republic. ·       Gain knowledge about topics associated with migration and family policies and social work professionalization in the Czech Republic, enabling a nuanced understanding of these crucial aspects in the field.  Outcomes ·       Students will become familiar with the current theoretical concept and practice of social welfare and social work in the world in the Czech Republic.   ·       Students will be able to identify opportunities, as well as obstacles and limits to the application of social work professionalization in the Czech Republic.   ·       Students will study topics connected to migration and family policies in the Czech Republic. The course will be organized into six teaching blocks, which will focus on the following topics:

1.       Introduction to class, introduction to social work and social welfare studies

2.       Welfare state in Europe and in the Czech Republic

3.       Social Work in a global context and in the Czech Republic

4.       Social welfare for families of diverse backgrounds, families in migration in Czech and global context

5.       Reflections on specific social work practice in the Czech Republic

6.       Workshops based on student´s presentations of their final academic papers  Course requirements: In LMS Moodle, the students are required to submit a seminar paper and a presentation on a specific topic corresponding to the course content, and active participation in teaching blocks. The specific guidelines for the assignments will be provided in detail in Moodle and explained at the first meeting. Readings: Anderson, K.

2015. Social Policy In The European Union, London: Palgrave (3rd Edition. Barbier, J-C

2012. The Road To Social Europe. A Contemporary Approach To Political Cultures And Diversity In Europe. London: Routledge. (E-Book Blum, S., L. Formánková, I. Dobrotič.

2014. “Family Policies In ‘Hybrid’ Welfare States After The Crisis: Pathways Between Policy Expansion And Retrenchment”. Journal Social Policy & Administration, 48 (4: 468-491. D´Cruz, H., Gillingham, P., & Mendez, S.

2007. Reflexivity: A Concept And Its Meanings For Practitioners Working With Children And Families. Critical Social Work, 8(1, 1–18. [Google Scholar] Ferguson, H.

2018. How Social Workers Reflect In Action And When And Why They Don’t: The Possibilities And Limits To Reflective Practice In Social Work, Social Work Education, 37:4, 415-427, Formánková, L., Arnalds, A. A., Eydal, G. B.

2020. Care In The Migration Context: A Comparative Study Of Czech And Icelandic Parents’ Childcare. In: Arrangements Mobility And Transnational Iceland. Current Transformations And Global Entanglements. Reykjavik: University Of Iceland. Pp.129-146. Glumbíková, K. & Mikulec, M.

2021. Reflexivity And Strategies Of Emotions (ReConstruction In Social Work With Families In The Czech Republic, Journal Of Social Work Practice, 35:3, 259-271, Glumbíková, K.

2021. Non-Normative Use Of Reflexivity In Social Work With Families In The Czech Republic, The British Journal Of Social Work, Volume 51, Issue

2. Pp. 583–599, Healy, L. M., & Thomas, R. L.

2020. International social work: Context and definitions. International social work: Professional action in an interdependent world. Pp. 1-16. Oxford University Press. Hepworth, D.H. – Rooney, R.H., Rooney, G.D., Strom-Gottfried, K.

2019. Direct Social Work Practice: Theory And Skills.  Cengage Learning. (Chapter

1). International Federation of Social Workers.

2022. Global definition of social work. Available: Esping-Andersen, G. 2009 The Incomplete Revolution: Adapting To Women’s New Roles. Cambridge:  Polity Press. Esping-Andersen, G.

1990. The Three Worlds Of Welfare Capitalism. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. Kremer, M.

2007. How Welfare States Care: Culture, Gender And Citizenship In Europe. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Navrátilová, J. & Navrátil, P.

2021.The Concept Of Professional Identity In: Selected Approaches To The Education Of Social Workers. In Sajid, S.M., Baikady, R., Sheng-Li, C., Sakaguchi, H. The Palgrave Handbook Of Global Social Work Education. 1st. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan,

2021. Pp. 133-150. Payne, M.

2006. What is Professional Social Work? Policy Press. Pfau-Effinger, B.

2004. Development Of Culture, Welfare States And Women’s Employment In Europe. Aldershot, Hants, England: Ashgate. Wolleb G, Daraio A. New Social Risks, Europa. Accessible At: Http://Ec.Europa.Eu/Regional_Policy/Sources/Docgener/Studies/Pdf/Challenges2020/Regional_Challenges_New_Social_Risk.Pdf Zastrow Ch.

2016. Empowerment Series: Introduction To Social Work And Social Welfare: Empowering People.  Book Cole Pub. Recommended reading: Hämäläinen, J., Puurunen, P., Suonio, M., Väisänen, R.

2021. Replacement of Religious Motives and Values by Secular Professionalism in Social Care: Example of Finland.  Pp.70-

83. Sociální práce.  Glumbíková, K., Vávrová, S., & Gojová, A.

2018. The critical reflexivity of field social workers who are working with families: recommendations for the educational process. In: Conference on education and new developments 2018: Education and New Developments 2018 2018- 06-23Budapešť (pp. 279–283, Lisbon, in Science Press. [Google Scholar] Navrátil, P.

2014. Participation and child protection: conceptualization. In International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts. 1st. Sofia, Bulgaria: SGEM2014. Pp. 607-614. Recommended videos: Social workers as super-heroes | Anna Scheyett Alfred Kadushin on the Origin and Professionalization of Social Work/USA Neil Thompson: Professionalism in Social Work/Great Britain Videos about the International Federation of Social workers and international social work: · ·

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Course objectives:

Social policy and social work contribute to processes of societal integration in the modern welfare states. During the course, we will focus on the interdependence of the two fields: a) how the reforms in social policy schemes affect social work and b) on the influence of social work(ers) on the making of social policy, as well as the role of social workers as contributors to social welfare. The course will explore theories and concepts related to social exclusion and integration, and bring examples of practical applications to be analyzed and discussed by the course participants.

Learning Aims:

• Understand the reciprocal relationship between social policy and social work, examining how changes in generalized social policy schemes influence social work, and conversely, how social work and social workers impact the formulation of social policy.

• Explore theories and concepts related to social exclusion and integration, legal considerations, and analyze practical applications, fostering a comprehensive understanding of the interdependence between social policy and social work.

Goals for Competency Enhancement:

• Critically reflect on the current state of practice and research in global social welfare and social work studies, with a specific focus on the context of the Czech Republic.

• Gain knowledge about topics associated with migration and family policies and social work professionalization in the Czech Republic, enabling a nuanced understanding of these crucial aspects in the field.


• Students will become familiar with the current theoretical concept and practice of social welfare and social work in the world in the Czech Republic.

• Students will be able to identify opportunities, as well as obstacles and limits to the application of social work professionalization in the Czech Republic.

• Students will study topics connected to migration and family policies in the Czech Republic.

Kurz je vyučován v angličtině včetně dílčích i finálních prezentací, seminárních diskusí a výsledného projektu.

Kurz nabídne participantům možnost podílet se na řešení sociálních témat na lokální úrovni. Studenti rozděleni do pracovních týmů projdou v postupných krocích procesem řešení nepříznivé sociální situace: identifikace sociálních problémů, navrhování různých variant řešení identifikovaného problému (strategií a přístupů), vyhledání zdrojů k řešení, vyjasnění dílčích metod a technik a jejich kritická reflexe, stanovení kritérií úspěchu daného řešení (výstupy, dopady a jiné efekty) a návrh jejich ověření.

Od participujících studentů se očekává aktivní samostatná práce v týmech podle zadání, přítomnost na seminářích (online) a prezentace dílčích i finálních výstupů (power-pointové prezentace) , diskuse a zpětné vazby k ostatním týmovým projektům.

Semináře během kurzu budou organizovány v 5 -6 blocích.

Studenti budou hodnoceni na základě jejich aktivit při plnění úkolů během kurzu (dílčí výstupy), aktivit v seminárních diskusích a podle kvality finální verze řešení sociálního problému. Finální verzi řešení úkolu odevzdají studenti v elektronické i tištěné podobě vedoucí kurzu.