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Class at Faculty of Arts |


Service Learning  

Teacher: doc. PaedDr. Tatiana Matulayová, PhD., Mgr. Kateřina Hejnová, Ph.D.

Mandatory elective course: 0/2

Attestation: zápočet

Number of credits: 4  

Attestation requirements:

Attendance, two consultations with mentor, written plan of SL activity, report on implementation of SL activity, written reflection.

Course objectives:

Students will be introduced to the teaching and learning strategy of Service Learning, which combines meaningful volunteer service in the community with education and reflection. Students will work in small teams to design an activity that responds to the identified needs of a selected target/client group or organization. They will implement and evaluate the activity. They will learn to apply theoretical knowledge in service planning for the community.  Gain experience of teamwork and cooperation with clients and other stakeholders. They will improve their presentation, negotiation, facilitation and other skills. Gain concrete experience in the preparation and implementation of a small student project in the field of social work.  

Classes will be organized in 3 sessions: 1. Clarification of the teaching and learning concept of SL. Objectives, methodology and organization of the course. Introduction of community partners. Formation of student teams. Clarification of the roles of stakeholders. Needs analysis - methodology.

Between the first and the second teaching block, students, in collaboration with mentors and teachers, identify the needs of a given user/client group or organization. 2. Planning of SL activity - presentation and reflection of the results of the needs analysis, elaboration of the plan for the implementation of the SL activity - schedule of tasks, division of tasks in the team, budget, and promotion plan.

In the period between the second and third teaching block. Students implement the SL activity. 3. Presentation of the results and benefits of the SL activity in the presence of mentors and client representatives. Reflection and self-reflection of the SL activity.  

Required reading:

BROZMANOVÁ GREGOROVÁ, A. et al. (2014). Service learning inovatívna stratégia učenia (sa). Banská Bystrica: Vydavateľstvo Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici–Belianum. ISBN 978-80-557-0829-4.

BROZMANOVÁ GREGOROVÁ, A. et al. (2020). Doporučení pro propagaci a posílení service‑learningu v evropském kontextu vysokých škol a příklady dobré praxe. Dostupné:  

Further reading:

DOSTILIO, L. The Community Engagement Professional in Higher Education: A Competency Model for an Emerging Field. Bonston: Campus Compact, 2017. ISBN-13: 978-1945459030.

SHUMER, R. ed. Where's the Wisdom in Service Learning. Information Age Publishing, Inc., 2017. ISBN 976-1-68123-864-7.