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Social and Legal Protection of Children

Class at Faculty of Arts |


ASCK100135 - Social and Legal Protection of Children

Course Guarantor: PhDr. Hana Pazlarová, Ph.D.

Lecturer: Mgr. Kateřina Hejnová

No. of Credits: 4 (Exam)  

The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the system of social and legal protection of children (SPOD) in the Czech Republic and to equip them with basic skills and competences needed in this area of social work.  

Lectures and Seminars: SPOD in an international context - selected international legal documents, principles of SPOD - the best interests of child, "child at risk" and principles of communication with such a child, measures of SPOD, institutional and protective care, provision of SPOD by authorized persons, SPOD in relation to foreign countries, quality standards of SPOD.

The areas of SPOD related to adoption and foster care are taught in a separate course.  

Learning Outcomes and Competences:

Students are able to describe the principles and system of SPOD in the Czech Republic as well as the measures and subjects of SPOD. Students distinguish competence of the various subjects involved. Students are able to identify which areas of SPOD are bound by quality standards.

Students are able to reflect on themselves in the process of evaluating the situation of a child at risk and his/her family. Students are able to propose suitable solutions in the best interest of a child.  

Final Examination:

Learning outcomes and competences shall be evaluated in the form of a final exam (test containing not only a theoretical part but also a part in which students analyze model case study and suggest the best possible solution) and completing partial tasks during the semester. Attendance min. 80 %.  

Essential Bibliography:

MATOUŠEK, O., PAZLAROVÁ, H. Orgány sociálně právní ochrany dětí. Pohled pracovníků a rodin. Praha: Karolinum, 2016.

MACELA, M. a kol. Zákon o sociálně právní ochraně dětí: komentář. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2015.

MATOUŠEK, O., PAZLAROVÁ, H. Podpora rodiny. Praha: Portál, 2014.

Zákon č. 359/1999 Sb., o sociálně právní ochraně dětí.

Zákon č. 89/2012 Sb., Občanský zákoník.