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1. Demography as a scientific discipline, sub-disciplines, history of demography, important international demographic institutions and organizations, important demographic journals and literature.

2. Sources of demographic data, current population statistics and statistics of population change, vital events and population processes.

3. Instruments of demographic analysis - the system of demographic indicators, the Lexis diagram, cohort and cross-sectional analysis

4. Population composition according to age, sex and family status, population pyramid, types of population, demographic ageing

5. Mortality and its relationships to other social, economic processes and its main consequences in the age structure, infant mortality, mortality structure acciording to causes of death

6. Mortality modelling ? life table, principles; life table as an istrument of demographic analysis and forecasts.

7. Health status of inhabitants, study of morbidity, classifications by causes of diseases an deaths

8. Natality and abortion ? indicators, relationships to other social and economic processes, , the fertility development in the Czech Republic, international comparison.

9. Family formation and dissolution ? nuptiality and divorces; instruments, development in the Czech Republic,.

10. Family and household in the Czech republic, international comparison, cohabitation.

11. Migration in population development; instruments, migration statistics, international migration; migration and natural increase, population growth.

12. Demographic projections and forecasts ? types, principles of constructions. Czech republic population development, world population projections.

13. Population development in the Czech republic in the past and im the present.

14. Population structure by nationality - data in the Czech censuses.

15. Population development in European countries and in the World in context with theory of demographic transition References: in English: Cox, P.R.: Demography (5th edition). Cambridge University Press.

1976. Caselli, G., Vallin, J., Wunsch, G.:Demography: Analysis and Synthesis. Elsevier - Academic Press publ.USA

2006. Multilingual demographic dictionary. IUSSP. Ordina Edition.

1982. Recent demographic developments in Europe

2005. Council of Europe

1998. Population development in the Czech Republic 1990-2002. Department of Demography and Geodemography. Charles University.

2002. in Czech: Kalibová K.: Úvod do demografie. Praha, nakl. Karolinum, (skripta), vydání 1997 - 2001 Pavlík Z., Rychtaříková J., Šubrtová A.: Základy demografie. Academia Praha

1986. Demografie (nejen) pro demografy. Sociologické nakladatelství.

2. vydání. Praha

1998. Vandeschrick, Ch.: Demografická analýza, Praha, nakl. Karolinum, 2000 Langhamrová, J., Kačerová, E.: Demografie (materiály ke cvičením). VŠE. Praha 2006 Faktografie: Demografická ročenka ČR 2005 (2006) - starší s názvem "Pohyb obyvatelstva v ČR v roce ...." ČSÚ Praha. též na adrese: Recent demographic developments in Europe

2004. Council of Europe.

2005. Populační vývoj České republiky 1990-2002. Katedra demografie a geodemografie PřF UK. Praha

2002.též na adrese: <


The course is organized thematically to familiare students with the basics of Demography as an area of study and research focusing on its interdisciplinary character and methodological peculiarity. Lectures introduce and develop themes such as: Demography as a scientific discipline, sources of demographic data, the system of demographic indicators, the main areas of demographic analysis, including mortality, fertility, nuptiality, divorces and abortions, family and population policy.

Topics covered also include demographic projections and forecasts, world population growth and information about demographic situation in the Czech Republic. A special attention is given to develop students´ understanding of the causes and consequences of population development and its relationship to other social, economic and cultural processes in society.

The course consists of lectures (30 hours) and practical training (30 hours) and is designed for students of social science and students of ecology and environmental protection and others.