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General Sociology III

Class at Faculty of Arts |


The following text has been produced by means of automated translation with minor editing and only serves orientation purposes (the course is taught in Czech):

The aim of the course is to familiarise students with the content basics of the sociological issue of change through systematic interpretation. Emphasis will be placed on selected key sociological topics with an overlap to the current context. The course includes a separate reading of literature. The interpretation is largely built on the level of the so-called mid-range theory (R. K. Merton), which should help students, among other things, develop specific research questions and verifiable hypotheses in their own bachelor's thesis. In content, the material is divided into two blocks, with the first presenting the students with selected dimensions and actors of social change (State, power and politics; Economics and labour, capitalism; Welfare state; Civil society and social movements; Migration; Gender and family) and the second block discussing the facts in relation to the general problems of long-term structural change (Theory of the Post-Modern, Post-Industrial and Information Society; Democratisation, Individualisation, and Group identity; Growth of reflexivity and sociological reflection of the risks associated with the crisis of the modern project; Globalisation as a long-term process).