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Sociology of Public Opinion

Class at Faculty of Arts |


1. Public opinion research

• The meaning of the concept of public opinion

• Public opinion as a socio-historical phenomenon

• Public opinion as a socio-psychological phenomenon

• The Theory of Forming Public Opinion

• The role of public opinion in today's society   2. Public opinion poll

• Logic of opinion polls

• Practical realization of the public opinion poll

• History of opinion polls

• Exploring public opinion today

• Publication of survey results

• Example: election surveys


The course will present the issues of public opinion and its research in theoretical and practical contexts. From a theoretical point of view, the issue of the nature of public opinion, historical context and its role in contemporary society will be discussed.

On the practical level, students will be acquainted with the possibilities and tools for empirical study of public opinion, possibilities of its interpretation and presentation. Some typical examples of current opinion polls and their social reflection will also be discussed.