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Welfare State

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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Topics - PRELIMINARY: (topics and literature will be specified during summer)      

***       1) Course organization & fast introduction to relevant concepts of political philosophy  

Core preparation:  

Sandel: Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do? Episode 02: "PUTTING A PRICE TAG ON LIFE"?  

Sandel: Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do? Episode 03: "FREE TO CHOOSE"?       2) Welfare state definitions and typology & Overview of welfare state challenges  

Core preparation:  

Gøsta Esping-Andersen, After the Golden Age? Welfare State Dilemmas in a Global Economy, pp. 1-31 in: Gøsta Esping-Andersen (ed.), Welfare States in Transition. National Adaptations in Global Economies. London: Sage 1996.  

Gøsta Esping-Andersen, A Welfare State for the 21st Century, 2002, available online:  

Additional preparation:  

(USA) The Welfare State: A Terrible Name for an Essential System:  

(general) Diversity or the welfare state: choose one:  

(Asia) New cradles to graves:  

(Britain) The Beveridge report revisited: where now for the welfare state?:       3) Collectivization and privatization of social risks  

Core preparation:  

Jacob S. Hacker, Privatizing Risk without Privatizing the Welfare State: The Hidden Politics of Social Policy Retrenchment in the United States, in: American Political Science Review 98 (2) 2004, pp. 243-260.  

Additional preparation:  

Paul Pierson. The New Politics of the Welfare State. 1996.  

Walter Korpi. Welfare-State Regress in Western Europe: Politics, Institutions, Globalization, and Europeanization. 2003.  

Eric M. Patashnik. Paul Pierson’s Dismantling the Welfare State: A Twentieth Anniversary Reassessment. 2015.       4) Globalization and welfare state  

Core preparation:  

Philipp Genschel, Globalization and the welfare state: a retrospective, in: Journal of European Public Policy 11 (4) 2004, pp. 613-636.  

Additional preparation:  

Iversen, Torben; Cusack, Thomas R. (1998) : The causes of welfare state expansion: deindustrialization or globalization?, WZB Discussion Paper  

Nita Rudra. Globalization and the Decline of the Welfare State in Less-Developed Countries. 2002.  

Keynes vs. Hayek - video:       5) Workforce commofification, decommodification and recommodification  

Core preparation:  

Holden, Chris, "Decommodification and the Welfare State", Political Studies Review. Sep2003, Vol. 1 Issue 3, p303-316.  

Additional preparation:  

Lee, Kim, and Shim. The Limit of Equality Projects: Public-Sector Expansion, Sectoral Conflicts, and Income Inequality in Postindustrial Economies. 2011.   6) Welfare state and EU  

Core preparation:  

Isabelle Bruno, Sophie Jacquot & Lou Mandin, Europeanization through its instrumentation: benchmarking, mainstreaming and the open method of coordination … toolbox or Pandora’s box?, in: Journal of European Public Policy 13 (4) 2006, pp. 519-536.  

Additional preparation:  

TBD   7) Welfare state and family  

Core preparation:  

Wolfgang Streeck, Flexible Employment, Flexible Families, and the Socialization of Reproduction. MPIfG Working Paper 09/13. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung 2009.  

Additional preparation:  

Alícia Adserà, Changing fertility rates in developed countries. The impact of labor market institutions. 2004.       8) Welfare state and gender  

Core preparation:  

Mary Daly. What Adult Worker Model? A Critical Look at Recent Social Policy Reform in Europe from a Gender and Family Perspective. 2011.  

Additional preparation:  

Jennifer Hook. Gender inequality in the welfare state: sex segregation in housework, 1965-2003. 2010.       9) Poverty  

Core preparation:  

Koen Decancq, Tim Goedemé, Karel Van den Bosch & Josefine Vanhille. The Evolution of Poverty in the European Union: Concepts, Measurement and Data. 2013.  

Additional preparation:  

Stephanie Moller, Evelyne Huber, John D. Stephens, David Bradley and François Nielsen. Determinants of Relative Poverty in Advanced Capitalist Democracies. 2003       10) Selected welfare policies - education policies in the Czech Republic, retirement policies in the Czech Republic  

Core preparation:  

Clem Brooks and Jeff Manza. Social Policy Responsiveness in Developed Democracies. 2006.  

Additional preparation:  

TBD       11) Course summary, additional discussions      

Core preparation:  

Brian Steensland. Cultural Categories and the American Welfare State: The Case of Guaranteed Income Policy. 2006.  

Additional preparation:  

TBD, probably something on immigration       12) TEST

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What is the welfare state? Why did it emerge in the 20th century and how has it developed to this day? Is it helpful or harmful? Is it growing or shrinking? Is it working fine or collapsing? These are some of the questions we will address in the course. We will also pay attention to the relation between welfare state and family, globalization, and European integration. Finally, we will talk about selected social policies, primarily in the Czech context. The course as a whole addresses welfare state in the Western, i.e. European and North-American space. It does not cover particularities of welfare in other cultures. Students are expected to read at least one paper for each session and occasionally some additional materials from the media.