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Handling Procrastination

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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1) Potřeby a očekávání účastníků, Vymezení prokrastinace a typů intervencí, Stanovení osobních cílů kurzu

2) Seberegulace a možnosti jejího posílení

3) Zdravé užívání moderních informačních a komunikačních technologií

4) Práce s osobní časovou perspektivou

5) Sebekoučování a vnitřní motivace ke změně


The workshop's aim is to learn selected psychotechniques that can be useful in preventing or limiting procrastination.The techniques will be designed with respect to cognitive-behavioral therapy and up-to-date knowledge gained in psychological research on procrastination. We will work with "core beliefs", self-efficacy, habits (e.g. problematic use of online social networks or smartphones) etc.

Meetings will be organized as informal seminars. Students will have the opportunity to try short-term and medium-term techniques on their own, individually and in group.

Some of the techniques will be designed by students themselves. The course is suitable for students who want to avoid becoming procrastinators in the future as well as those actually fighting procrastination (for those slightly more).