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Research Project: The Quality of Work Life in the Czech Republic

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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Úvod do tématu a výzkumné situace

(dále budou studenti postupně řešit jednotlivé výzkumné fáze, přičemž ve vyučovacích hodinách budou zadávány úkoly, kontrolován postup a konzultováno vše, co bude třeba)

Rešerše a datové zdroje

Příprava projektu výzkumu

Příprava dat


Sepsání analytické zprávy

Příprava prezentace


The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to implement their own research project from formulation of the research question to analysis and presentation of the results (eventually publication). Students will work in teams of 3-5 members and solve their own small project with supervision and consultation with the teacher during the course.

The general thematic area of the projects will be the quality of working life and students will use the data obtained using the SQWLi indicator for secondary analysis. The specific thematic focus and research questions will be determined in the opening weeks of the course.

The purpose of the course concept is to prepare students for the situation when they have to solve their assigned research task relatively independently, i.e. for future work in research organizations and teams.