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Introduction to the methods of social sciences

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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Předmět především rozvíjí kritické metodologické uvažování studentů, seznámí je s konkrétními praktickými postupy a možnostmi analýz, a také s možnostmi a úskalími interpretace a prezentace dat.

Blok 1: Metoda a metodologie ve společenských vědách 1. Věda, výzkum, empirie2. Přehled metodologického ekosystému ve společenských vědáchBlok 2: Vybrané metody společenskovědního výzkumu 3. Experiment4. Výběrové šetření5. Standardizované dotazování6. Otázka a dotazník7. Obsahová analýza; standardizované pozorováníBlok 3: Analýza a interpretace dat 8. Ananlýza sítí (VYUČUJE SE NEPRAVIDELNĚ) 9. Výzkum jako proces 10. Analýza dat11. Interpretace dat12. Chyby ve výzkumu


The aim of the course is to familiarise students across FF UK with the quantitative methodology of research in social sciences (another full-faculty course is dedicated to qualitative methods). It teach students to understand methods of quantitative analysis (rather than carrying them out independently), to develop their general ability to navigate the information based on them, and to understand through this lens the everyday world.

It is designed to meet the needs of two types of students in particular. Those who: 1. need to acquire general foundations which will then be developed in the follow-up courses of their own disciplines.

For these students, taking the course is beneficial in giving them a comprehensive overview of the basic topics, concepts and procedures. 2. there will have no other/further course of quantitative research methods in their field and they need a basic orientation. For these students, the benefits of taking the course are that they acquire primarily a general ability to navigate the information that is based on the research, and can better understand the research process and the everyday world through this lens.