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Gótština I

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J. H. Jasanoff: Gothic, in: The Ancient Languages of Europe, ed. by R. Woodard, 189-214,

W. Krause: Handbuch des Gotischen. Reading of the text Lukas II (CA) from Wulfila's Bible (The Christmas Gospel), e.g. in Krause 268-270.

Text and study material is available via Dropbox link.


Gothic grammar on the basis of J. H. Jasanoff: Gothic, in: The Ancient Languages of Europe, ed. by R. Woodard, 189-214, W. Krause: Handbuch des Gotischen. Reading of the text Lukas II (CA) from Wulfila's Bible (The

Christmas Gospel), e.g. in Krause 268-270. Text and study material is available via Dropbox link. Attestation:

Translation and grammatical analysis of a text passage.