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Etruscan: language and history

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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A one-week intensive course on the present state-of-the-art in the study of the language and culture of the otherwise unaffiliated Etruscans with one of the leading experts on the subject, Dr. Giulio Facchetti. Topics covered include: writing system(s), material documents, language contacts (Latin and Sabellic languages), relation to Rhateic and the language of the Lemnos stele, overview of the phonology and grammar, problems in the reconstruction, internal history of the language.



Beekes, Robert Stephen Paul. 2003. The Origin of the Etruscans. Amsterdam: Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen.

Bonfante, G. and L. Bonfante. 1983. The Etruscan Language. An Introduction. New York: New York University Press.

Facchetti, Giulio. 2007. Etruskisch, voce della Sprachenenzyclopaedie Westeuropa, Università di Duisburg.

Rix, Helmut. 2008. Etruscan. Woodard, R. D. (ed.) Ancient Languages of Europe, Cambridge: CUP, 2008, p. 141-164.

Steinbauer, D. 1999. Neues Handbuch des Etruskischen. St. Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae Verlag.

Wylin, K. 2000. Il verbo etrusco. Ricerca morfosintattica delle forme usate in funzione verbale. Roma: Bretschneider.

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A one-week intensive course on the present state-of-the-art in the study of the language and culture of the otherwise unaffiliated Etruscans with one of the leading experts on the subject, Dr. Giulio Facchetti. Topics covered include: writing system(s), material documents, language contacts (Latin and Sabellic languages), relation to

Rhateic and the language of the Lemnos stele, overview of the phonology and grammar, problems in the reconstruction, internal history of the language.



Beekes, Robert Stephen Paul. 2003. The Origin of the Etruscans. Amsterdam: Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen.

Bonfante, G. and L. Bonfante. 1983. The Etruscan Language. An Introduction. New York: New York University


Facchetti, Giulio. 2007. Etruskisch, voce della Sprachenenzyclopaedie Westeuropa, Università di Duisburg.

Rix, Helmut. 2008. Etruscan. Woodard, R. D. (ed.) Ancient Languages of Europe, Cambridge: CUP, 2008, p. 141- 164.

Steinbauer, D. 1999. Neues Handbuch des Etruskischen. St. Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae Verlag.

Wylin, K. 2000. Il verbo etrusco. Ricerca morfosintattica delle forme usate in funzione verbale. Roma:
