T. Abusch, Male and Female in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Encounters, Literary History, and Interpretation, Winona Lake 2015.
M. Balabán - V. Tydlitátová, Gilgameš: Mytické drama o hledání věčného života, Praha 2002.
A. George, The Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic. Introduction, Critical Edition and Cuneiform Texts. Volume I.-II., Oxford/New York 2003.
L. Matouš, Epos o Gilgamešovi, Praha 1958 (a 1971, 1976, 1997).
J. Prosecký - M. Rychtařík, Epos o Gilgamešovi, Praha 2018.
M. Worthington, Ea´s Duplicity in the Gilgamesh Flood Story, London 2020.","inLanguage":"cs"}]}
Literature:T. Abusch, Male and Female in the Epic of Gilgamesh.
Encounters, Literary History, and Interpretation, Winona Lake 2015. M.
Balabán - V. Tydlitátová, Gilgameš: Mytické drama o hledání věčného života, Praha 2002.
A. George, The Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic.
Introduction, Critical Edition and Cuneiform Texts. Volume I.-II., Oxford/New York 2003.
L. Matouš, Epos o Gilgamešovi, Praha 1958 (a 1971, 1976, 1997).
J. Prosecký - M.
Rychtařík, Epos o Gilgamešovi, Praha 2018. M.
Worthington, Ea´s Duplicity in the Gilgamesh Flood Story, London 2020.
The Epic of Gilgamesh is the most famous and, arguably, the most important literary work from the Ancient Near East. The Standard Babylonian Version of 12 cuneiform tablets that will be translated and interpreted during this seminary was compiled around 1100 BCE by the scribe Sin-leqe-uninni. Every lesson will be dedicated to the translation of a part of one tablet, with an elucidation and comparison with other Near Eastern material
Tablet 1: hymnic prologue (the text of Gilgameš)
Tablet 2: the domestication of Enkidu (Sumerian prehistory)
Tablet 3: world topography (the future of Gilgamesh)
Tablet 4: the Adventure in the Cedar Forrest (the meaning of Gilgamesh)
Tablet 5: the Fight against Humbaba (Gilgamesh and history)
Tablet 6: the goddess Ishtar seduces the hero (Gilgamesh and gender)
Tablet 7: good death or bad death of Enkidu? (Gilgamesh and iconography)
Tablet 8: The Underworld Court (Gilgamesh and onomastics)
Tablet 9: Quest for the Immortality (Gilgamesh and esoterics)
Tablet 10: The sober-minded Siduri (Gilgamesh and topography)
Tablet 11: The great flood through the ancient world (Gilgamesh and the Flood)
Tablet 12: about the underworld life (Gilgamesh and afterlife)
Attestation: after submission of a written work according to the Dean's decree 5/2020.