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English B1.1

Class at Faculty of Arts |


The course is structured around the units 1 - 10 of the textbook Complete IELTS Bands 4-5. Additional materials are taken from other textbooks focusing on IELTS (or FCE) preparation, grammar and vocabulary practice, and original texts in English. Students will practice all four language skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing.

Overview of grammatical and lexical units

Grammar: present simple and continuous, past simple, making comparisons, present perfect, countable and uncountable nouns, conditionals, prepositions to describe graphs, relative pronouns, the passive, modal verbs

Vocabulary: collocations and prepositional phrases, environment, design, literacy, global problems, words that give directions, opinions and feelings, word formation, spelling


From the beginning of summer semester the course will be taught in the form of distance learning.

This is a one-semester course, 2x2 lessons per week.

The course of Mgr. Blanka Zádrapová: regular online lessons in ZOOM - Monday 9.10 - 10.40 am


Thursday - self-study, tasks in Moodle application

Course English I is designed for lower-intermediate students (A2/B1), corresponding to the level of the standardised state school-leaving exam. Unlike general English, it offers topics and texts with an academic flavour. Apart from reviewing and consolidating the basic grammatical structures, it deals with key strategies on how to write an essay and take notes etc. The leaving level is set to B1+.

To find out their level of Eglish students can use the level test created by the British Council.