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English. Focus on Grammar. Blended Learning

Class at Faculty of Arts |


Contents of the Course:

The course focuses on practice of selected grammar issues typical for the exam B2 in the Language Centre, Faculty of Arts, Charles University. The particular issues will be adjusted to the concrete group of students.

At the beginning of the course the students will be given opportunity to choose the topics/grammar issues which tehy would like to focus on the most. The content of the course and the plan for the semeter will be adjusted to their preferences.


This is a one-semester course and the language of the course is English, only if there are some compliacated structures, the teacher translates the explanations into Czech. Therefore, it is suitable for English speaking students, the teacher always tries to make sure that the exchange students understand.

The programme of the course:

Practising the key grammar structures using B1 – B2 testing materials.

The starting level of English is B1, the final level is B2.

The syllabus of the course is chosen according to the average level and preferences of the particular group.

The course aims at students with basic knowledge of English grammar who would like to improve this knowledge, or possibly, who are preparing for the B2 exam and need to focus on grammar.

Based on the current government measurements and/or university/faculty decisions it will be decided whether the learning will be face-to-face or distant.

This is a so-called blended-learning course, which means a combination of face-to-face lessons and individual work online. The organization of the course will be as follows:

Blended Learning: 1 x 2 face-to-face lessons + preparation and ca. 2 online lessons (Moodle) - the time required for the online work relates also to the individual approach and level of the English knowledge of a particular student.

The work in the course is divided into the face-to- face lessons and self-study activities – the online part focuses mainly on practising the individual grammar issues and preparation for the face-to-face lessons, whereas the face-to-face lessons focus on expressing and deducing the individual rules and their interactive implementation. You will need to work in Moodle at least twice a week - before and after the lesson at school.

Before the beginning of the course the students will be sent an email with the information on signing into Moodle and relating to the organization of the whole course.