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English. Academic Reading and Writing for Doctoral Students

Class at Faculty of Arts |


The course is structured into three main blocks - parts: the first part focuses mainly on what makes up an ideal presentation, in terms of content, language, style and argumentation. In the next block, the students´ attention will focuse mainly on an analysis of the distinct features in basic academic short forms such as the Annotation, Abstract and Summary.

In the last, third, block, all the newly acquired knowledge and competences are going to be translated in a practical context into the individual presentations of the PhD students' topics. In this last part there is detailed feedback regarding the presenting student´s performance from both the teacher and the students, including a subsequent discussion on the given topic.


This is a one-semester course, taught in 2 lessons weekly.

It is intended for doctoral students who would like to prepare for the obligatory English exam.

The aim of the course is to develop the skills of academic writing with an emphasis on the style of writing professional texts in the Anglo-Saxon environment, especially regarding specific phraseology.

We will also discuss the differences between - very frequent in the Anglo-Saxon environment - essays written in academic English and purely professional texts, difference betwwen an Abstract and a Summary as well. The course will also include individual presentations done by doctoral students about their Thesis Proposal, where students will focus primarily on explaining the selected topic, the research methods they will use, hypotheses, etc.

Here is a list of several academic articles of the widest possible thematic scope, which we will work with in class: we will discuss them and we will write their Summaries.