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French. Academic Reading

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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práce (především) s odbornými texty se vzrůstající obtížností  metody vedoucí k zefektivnění práce s odborným textem

čtecí techniky (globální, detailní, ...) znaky odborného/vysokého stylu upevnění gramatických a lexikálních struktur


This is a one-semester course, 1 x 2 lessons per week.

The course is focused on reading of French academic texts. It requires B1/B2 level of French with appropriate knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. Its objective is the improvement of reading skills. Speaking or writing in French is not required but the course is held mainly but not only in Czech, which is why this course is not recommended for foreign students.

NEW from 2021/22, the course ends with an exam and is also interchangeable with the separate exam Academic Reading in the Common Core (ASZFJ2000).

In practice, this means that a student who has the Common Core exam "Foreign Language II - Academic Reading" prescribed in the curriculum can choose to enroll in the stand-alone exam - code ASZRJ2000, or enroll in the course "Academic Reading" - code ASZRJ3050, ending with an exam. The course exam will then automatically fulfill the requirement for the 2nd language exam in the common core (so the student doesn´t enroll for the code ASZRJ2000). Advantages and disadvantages- see requirements for the exam.

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