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French. Civilisation française et francophone

Class at Faculty of Arts |


Topics in the winter semester: population family education system political life

French-speaking countries conteporary French literature gastronomy current issues in France

Topics in the summer semester: education system main events after the WWII culture cinema traditions and holidays mass media current issues in France

Topics will be specified as a result of students’ collaboration. 

Course strategy: reading texts selected by the teacher, listening to recordings, watching videos analysis of authentic documents, summary, filling-in information, presentation of a professional topic


Tento konkrétní kód je určen pouze pro zahraniční studenty na výměnných pobytech na FF UK - JINÍ STUDENTI


Pokud jste zapsán jako student řádného studia na Univerzitě Karlově, prosím zapište si kód, který vidíte nahoře, u

"Je zajišťováno předmětem". ____

THIS CODE WAS CREATED SPECIFICALLY FOR ERASMUS STUDENTS. If you are a foreign exchange student, you should sign up for this code.

The course is focused on the realia of the French-speaking world. In the lessons of this course, students will consolidate and develop basic language skills: reading and listening comprehension, speaking and writing.

The seminar assumes a very active participation of students, who participate in its creation. The language of instruction is French.

The course is intended for students with good knowledge of general French at the B1 / B2 level.

This is a one-semester course, 1x2 lessons per week.

You can identify your level by taking the TCF tests:

In case of distant learning the originally planned face-to-face lessons will be realized via one of the platforms MS

Teams, Zoom (this will be specified according to the current government or faculty/university restrictions).